Pompous Ponce has been bragging to the rest of us AND OUR STUDENTS (when he subs for us) about how he speaks the best English (accent and grammar) at our school.
I am a teacher and work for a school where never ending chaos ensues. This blog was started on 3 November 2003 and will be rants about things that happen there. I am not dissatisfied with my job, as a matter of fact I love it, but there are certain things that drive me crazy and make my job more difficult, which is what you'll find here.
MrT: MrTeacher
BM: Bossman
BW: Bosswoman
YS: Young Secretary
PP: Pompous Ponce
TC: Tall Colleague
FC: Fun Colleague
OS: Old Secretary
SfH: Secretary from Hell
PTC: Part Time Colleague
NST: Nice Spanish Teacher
SR: Smileroid
WB: WhingeBag
NG: New Guy
NG: New Girl SS: Secret Smoker