An adult (female) student came up to Smileroid today and asked (in all seriousness), 'What's a cunt?' What did he do? He said he explained it in a diplomatic way.
I am a teacher and work for a school where never ending chaos ensues. This blog was started on 3 November 2003 and will be rants about things that happen there. I am not dissatisfied with my job, as a matter of fact I love it, but there are certain things that drive me crazy and make my job more difficult, which is what you'll find here.
MrT: MrTeacher
BM: Bossman
BW: Bosswoman
YS: Young Secretary
PP: Pompous Ponce
TC: Tall Colleague
FC: Fun Colleague
OS: Old Secretary
SfH: Secretary from Hell
PTC: Part Time Colleague
NST: Nice Spanish Teacher
SR: Smileroid
WB: WhingeBag
NG: New Guy
NG: New Girl SS: Secret Smoker