Video Night Part 2
We're having another video night tonight. The first one was 15 days ago. Bossman paid for beer and snacks and Young Secretary arranged the whole thing (I assume it's going to be the same this evening). The only problem was that we saw Kill Bill - a completely idiotic film. However, it was fun because eleven people attended. This evening we're going to see Bridget Jones's Diary.Why have we started having video nights? Apparently BM has found out that some teachers have been complaining that he never does anything nice for us, so he's trying to change that.
I'll report back tomorrow.
**** Update 6h55 - 9 Dec 04 ****
It was basically the same as the first Video Night. Ten people showed up, mostly the same with the addition of Bosswoman. Same snacks, but we ran out of beer. All in all, a good time.