Please allow me to introduce myself...
Greetings and salutations loyal readers of The Report Card. I am thephoenixnyc, and I will be sitting in for the next six days while Mr. Teacher is away. I am an old friend of his and he has bestowed this honor on me.
To begin with, I am not a puppet (as some of you may recall, Quickos the puppet sat in last time Teach was away). No, I am flesh and blood and spirit, human in all my glories and foibles. I live and work in New York City. I run a successful International trade and consulting business and I am passionate about travel (25 countries so far) music, art, reading, writing, politics, ancient cultures and collecting antiques and antiquities.
Of course the subject of education is very important to me as well. I believe that knowledge is power and that the truth will set you free. My mother and sister are both teachers and my father left his country of birth at age 18 so that he could scratch and claw his way to a college education in the United States. Learning and education were central to who and what we were growing up and who we are know.
I have two undgraduate degrees in Journalism and Marketing and a Masters Degree in Political Science.
To achieve serenity, happiness, wisdom, mental, material and spiritual success I have relied on education and reading.
Constant, obsessive, volumnious reading.
To know and be one with the worlds of art and science, the worlds of the spirit and the flesh, the triumph, tragedy, joy and sorrow of the human experience, one needs to get an education and to read. This will lead you on the road to enlightenment and serenity.
My blog is listed on the left side of this page. Have a look if you will.