We've reached new heights in stupidty this week, and I'm to (mentally) exhausted from dealing with it to blog about it right now. Look for it next week.
The Report Card
Battling idiocy on a daily basis.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
MrT: MrTeacherBM: Bossman
BW: Bosswoman
YS: Young Secretary
PP: Pompous Ponce
TC: Tall Colleague
FC: Fun Colleague
OS: Old Secretary
SfH: Secretary from Hell
PTC: Part Time Colleague
NST: Nice Spanish Teacher
SR: Smileroid
WB: WhingeBag
NG: New Guy
NG: New Girl
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Fast Food LifeAnytown NHS Trust
Wacky Wild Woman
Call Centre Confidential
Honestly, I'm sober!